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3 Zodiac Signs Will Thrive The Most During The Luckiest Moon Of 2024
The Luckiest Moon Of 2024 Is Coming, But It'll Be Kinda Blah For 3 Signs
Here’s What You Should Cook This Week, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Get on the waitlist now for my new signature tarot course for beginners.
Praise For Amy
UNLOCK has allowed me to confidently start my own tarot business and read for others with ease. The module about clinet sessions was so helpful!! Along with providing what is needed to be a successful tarot reader this course has helped me tremendously in my personal life. Understanding the evolution of the cards has given me a deeper understanding of the evolution of my own life. Can't thank Amy enough.
Chelsea Cerna
This course also gave me more confidence in my ability to read intuitively. The exercises and Amy's guidance helped me trust my instincts and tap into my intuitive gifts, opening up my readings to more authentic and impactful interpretation. Whether you're aiming to use tarot for personal growth or to assist others, "Unlock Your Magic" is a fantastic investment in your journey. It offers practical tools, insightful teachings, and a welcoming space to explore your tarot practice. Thank you, Amy!
Mary Wolf | Jungian Integration Coach
I having been studying tarot for 3 years and wanted to take my readings to the next level. Not only did I get a much deeper understanding of the cards but Amy goes even deeper connecting astrology and the planets to the major arcana. My confidence has grown since taking this course and l am a better tarot reader because of Unlock Your Magic.
Susan Ezzo
Partnerships & Collabs
Astrology + Tarot
Individualized Coaching
Meet Amy
Amy Filbin is a trauma-informed practitioner, multidisciplinary astrologer, and Tarot reader who integrates cosmic insights with therapeutic modalities to help clients achieve transformational psychological and behavioral shifts.
Engage with Amy: Elevate Your Event Experience
An accomplished presenter and teacher, Amy is available book for professional training, speaking engagements, and readings at corporate events and other large gatherings.
Download my Free E-Book
5 Journal Prompts from the Major Arcana
Unlock the power of introspection and spiritual awakening with our exclusive free eBook. Dive deep into the mystic world of Tarot and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
You might recognize Amy from TikTok & Instagram where she creates content that helps thousands of people find clarity and peace in their lives.
Follow Amy on Instagram and TikTok for daily and weekly updates.